1. Runner’s Lunge with Side Stretch

- Assume a lunge position with your forward knee bent over your foot and your back leg extended behind you.
- Tuck your hips by pulling your belly up and in.
- Bring your opposite arm over your head and slowly lean into the stretch as you continue to breathe.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
Note: If you want an even deeper stretch, drop your back knee to the ground.
Muscles stretched: Hip flexors, quads, obliques
2. Sitting Hamstring Stretch

- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
- Bend one leg in at the knee.
- Pull your abs in, then slowly bend forward from your hips towards the foot of your straight leg until you feel a slight stretch.
- Hold for 30 to 45 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
Note: To increase the difficulty of this stretch, do this one with both legs straight.
Muscles stretched: Hamstrings, lower back
3. Overhead Triceps Stretch

- Put one arm overhead, positioning your forearm as close as possible to your upper arm.
- Grasp your elbow overhead with your other hand.
- Pull your elbow back and toward your head.
- Hold this stretch for 30-45 seconds, then repeat with opposite arm.
Note: You can deepen this stretch by grabbing your top hand with your bottom hand behind your back.
Muscles stretched: Triceps, lats
4. Pigeon Pose

- Cross one knee in front of you while keeping the opposite leg extended behind you.
- Place both hands on the ground in front of you and slowly lower your upper body down as low as possible while keeping your core pulled in.
- Work both sides.
Muscles stretched: Hips, glutes, lower back
5. Chest Opener Stretch

- Stand or sit with your back straight and shoulders pulled back.
- Reach behind you and clasp both hands together.
- Bring your hands up toward your head as far as possible.
Muscles stretched: Chest, shoulders
6. Runner’s Lunge with Quad Stretch

- Assume a lunge position with your forward knee bent over your foot and your back leg extended behind you.
- Drop your knee to the ground as you pull your belly up and in.
- Reach your arm back and grab your foot or ankle and pull forward to stretch.
- Repeat on the opposite side.
Muscles stretched: Hip flexors, quads
7. Twisted Arm Stretch

- Bring your hands out in front and cross your arms, one over the other.
- Twist your hands such that the palms face into each other, trying to create contact with your fingers.
- Hold, then repeat on the other side.
Muscles stretched: Lats, shoulders, triceps
8. Downward Dog

- Start by kneeling on the ground with your hands shoulder-width apart on front of you.
- Take a deep breath and raise your glutes into the air while keeping your legs straight and your abs pulled in.
- Lower your head toward the ground and straighten your spine.
- Lower your heels toward the ground as far as you can go to give your calves a good stretch.
Muscles stretched: Calves; releases tension in back, shoulders
9. Upward Dog

- Lie face down on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and your hands resting next to your lower ribs.
- Keeping your toes and hands on the floor, press your chest up.
- Squeeze your glutes and pull your shoulders back.
Muscles stretched: Chest, core, lower/upper back
10. Iron Cross Stretch

- Lie on your back with your legs straight in front of you.
- Bring one leg straight into the air then bring across your body so it rests on the ground.
- Hold, then repeat on the other side.
Muscles stretched: Side of hips, lower back, middle back
Bonus stretch: Bridge
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull your heels in toward your glutes.
- Keep your feet and knees hips-width apart and your toes pointed forward or slightly out.
- Place your arms alongside your torso and roll your shoulders outwards.
- Firm your arms into the ground to support some of your weight.
- Lift your hips off the mat until they are about parallel to the floor.
- Slowly lower yourself down.
Muscles stretched: Back, shoulders, core